Peachtree Ridge Band Family Sponsorships

At Peachtree Ridge, there's nothing more important than fostering community and excellence in our band students. Through musical excellence, we promote and inspire our students with soft skills of work ethic, punctuality, determination, creativity, teamwork, and many more. The Peachtree Ridge Band provides students in grades 9-12 a safe place to connect with their peers and perform music at a high level of excellence. 


We hope that you will consider being a valued sponsor of the Peachtree Ridge Bands Program. The Band Booster Club is responsible for raising funds to provide much needed equipment, props, uniforms, music for marching band, concert bands and jazz band as well as additional clinicians for our concert band programs. Not all of these are provided by the school system so it is our mission to provide the best opportunities for our young student musicians and keep them at a competitive level with other schools in our area.

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 Family Sponsorship
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